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Anchor 1
I Am Journey

I was a prisoner in a hostile battleground of my parents' discord. Tired of the strife, Daddy devised a secret plan to end the war and rescue me from the abuse of my ill-mannered mother. Unfortunately, Angela (mommy) colluded a scheme as well; abducting me from the home I shared with my father. It was a reciprocation of daddy's dismissal of her adulterated love.

Pandora's box was opened, and there was no escaping the evils of this world. Angela made a deal with the devil to survive the storm she spawns. I was a pawn in her sick game and became a sacrifice of her hatred for me. One day I encountered a visit from an Angel: she told me that help was coming to hold on to God's promises, but deliverance seemed to be on the other side of eternity.


This is my Journey.

Anchor 2

I am leaving a legacy throughout my liv-acy. I am breaking down barriers that were built by my forefathers. I pray always to my Lord. I know in this life I may lose some battles, however, I write the script, so I win the war. My successors will not have lesser. For I conquered the journey, putting our adversaries on a gurney and buried the lies. I fight the good fight. I notarized my fame and I will pass on my game of solidarity. My life is my charity to those who come behind me. Grace and authority has been fair to me. My surplus is my Legacy.

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Anchor 3
Before I Met Me

I woke up echoing the words. “You will find her, You will rescue her and You will love her.”


For a long while I investigated who will be found by me, whom will I protect and whom will I love?


As I proceeded through life’s experiments, shedding off all the lies the enemy had declared over my life. Letting go of the toxicity; I took flight to the desolated places, experiencing new things with unfamiliar faces. The remarks that extended out of my mouth still haunted me. I reveled in my achievements, graduating from life’s test that I repeated constantly while holding on to what did not belong. Brushing off the things that I allowed and that brought me shame. I spoke out loud. “I forgive Me.”


Suddenly I understood it was I that needed to be found. It was me who had to be set free. Now I am a diamond shining. It’s my life I am defining as I walk with my head up high. I step on grounds that have not been traveled. Accomplishing the difficult things, believing that I was created to bling. Through Egypt, to the Jordan, I crossed. Now that I found the authentic me; I boss.

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